Poor Mojo was abandoned when his owner moved out and left him behind. Mojo is now residing with his new family and his Pug and Puggle siblings, and bonded immediately. He is pictured here in his new favorite spot, perched on the back of the couch
Bo came to PCF when his owners split up and no longer had time to spend with him. After waiting patiently while one adoption fell through, Bo now resides with his new family in New York. He now has new parents, two Rottie siblings, four cats, and six acres where he can play. Bo now spends his time romping and playing with his siblings and he loves the snow!
Scooter is a sweet boy, a senior lab mix with special needs, blind from cataracts. PCF was called about Scooter’s urgent situation when his owner passed away suddenly, leaving him alone and in a home that was to be bulldozed by the landowner. Scooter had been his owner’s sidekick, accompanying him everywhere, and missed him terribly. His owner’s family, unable to take him in, drove back and forth from another county to care for Scooter and his feline companion so that he could remain at home until a new home was found. PCF immediately spread the word about Scooter through rescue networks, hoping to find a home for him to go directly into so that he would not have the added stress of being a blind dog in a kennel. Scooter found a forever home with a woman who fosters and adopts senior and special needs dogs. He is on a diet, working on achieving a healthy weight, learning to play with the other dogs (he didn’t know how!), and will be receiving cataract surgery to restore his sight in the near future!
Milo was a purchased dog from a puppy mill and his owners decided they did not want him. Milo is now a loving wild man! He is full of energy and LOVES to run around the yard and play fetch. He and Ginger are getting along better and better each day. He is learning when she doesn’t want to play with him he is on his own. Milo is learning commands and he can sit, lie down and stay. He is absolutely wonderful. Thank you for rescuing him!
Beautiful Maggie was left at a kennel by her owners. PCF had her spayed and vaccinations updated. A beautiful one year old coonhound she was at the kennel for several months and in one week we had 3 applications on her. She was adopted to a wonderful home with 2 other dogs and lots of acreage to run.
PCF president Deb Warner received a call about a horse kept in a stall for the past 3 months only being fed and watered every 3-4 days if then! Four phone pictures were sent of a emaciated horse in a stall. Cruelty calls are the hardest part for PCF since Centre County doesn’t have a cruelty officer. The PSPCA is closing all their branches except Danville and Philadelphia, and are scaling back on their cruelty officer positions. State Police are required by law to enforce Cruelty Law 5511, but many do not have the experience or equipment to handle animals. And if they do confiscate an animal, where do they take it? And who pays for board and veterinary bills? If there is a court case it can take up to 6 months for a trial date.
In the meantime that animal cannot be spayed or neutered and only life threatening illnesses can be treated. So when the call came in for this particular horse, Deb called humane officer Regina Martin of Hog Heaven Rescue for advice. After notifying the local state police and showing them the phone pictures, Deb went to the farm to see the horse for sale.
A 4 year old 16 hand Thoroughbred gelding weighing maybe 800 pounds was offered for sale for $800! The normal weight for a horse this size would be at least 1200 pounds. After asking what the best price the owner would take ($600!) Deb told her that she was with PCF and she had two choices–either surrender the horse to PCF or the state police would be called and she could face cruelty charges. The woman signed the surrender papers and the gelding was taken immediately to a local vet for an exam and documentation. It was thought the young horse was wormy, but a fecal check showed very few worms–he was just not fed!
Now named Justin, he resides at Deb’s rescue farm and is slowly putting weight on. It took a few weeks for him to realize that the food would keep coming and he could relax at supper time! He hangs out with Johnson, a 16.3 Quarter Horse gelding, who was used for hunt seat lessons until a soft tissue injury forced his early retirement.
Timmy and Champ
Timmy and Champ were two Maltese who had been used for breeding most of their lives. 9 and 10 years old, their owner was going through a divorce and took the dogs in to be euthanized. The vet notified PCF and both boys were neutered and taken into foster. After baths, grooming and nail clipping, both were found to be little charmers! Adopted to separate homes, Timmy’s didn’t work out and Champ’s family gladly decided to adopt him also!
Toby was a 2 year old yorkie mix whose owners couldn’t housebreak. Going on vacation, they left him at a local kennel with instructions to find him a new home. He went into foster where he quickly won everyone’s heart! Housebreaking was an issue, but it was “tootsie rolls”! A family who had just recently lost their yorkie mix took Toby home. The little guy is a constant companion for his new dad who drives truck long distance. He’s been to Florida several times and is a cherished member of the family!
Mia was purchased at a horse auction very cheaply as she was very underweight and 15 years old. The mini donkey went home in a car with her new owner. At first, it was thought she was pregnant. No baby, but her personality shown through. When her owner couldn’t keep her, PCF was called and she moved to Deb Warner’s farm. There it was discovered she only had one tooth! At feeding time, she would walk up and rub her gums on your rear end until she got her handful of sweet feed. At first intimidated by the big horses, she now has bonded with another rescued donkey, Daisy Duke Smith, at the farm.
Ice Tea
Ice Tea was at the shelter forever! A young, completely white cat who talked to everyone that walked by his cage. Unfortunately, his left eye was always weepy and people were afraid he was sickly. PCF President Deb Warner felt he needed out of his cage so off to the vet to be neutered, have his eye checked and then home with her. Husband Rick recently commented that Ice Tea wasn’t talking as much any more. Deb commented “That’s because he knows he’s home!”