Arnold is a Rottweiler that is four years old. He was found as a stray by a man and his daughter. He was brought to the adoption center and was very scared. A catch pull had to be used to get him out of the car. He was very fear aggressive and everyone would comment on how white his teeth were. After we slowly began working with him in a small kennel he was moved to a larger kennel where he began to learn social skills. He now has a girlfriend who he enjoys rough housing and playing with a few times a day. He will soon be going to his new home where he will have an eight month old little Rottie puppy as his new playmate. He met his new mate and they get along great!
Shila & Aspen Update
Great news for Shila and Aspen, they are now in foster care. They have over 20 acres of pastures to roam along with a pond. After spending several months at PCF, they began to greet people by coming up to the gates and allowing people to pat them. They have come along way!!!
Early in Feburary Pets Come First, The New SPCA! received a call from PSPCA cruelty officer, Jack Ardrey, about 8 horses belonging to a “horse rescue”. The owner had been educated and warned about the care of his horses, but at the last visit Jack found 4 dead horses. PSPCA and several rescue groups came together to move the remaining horses. Two of the horses were blind mares in mud up to their bellies! PCF offered to take them in at their adoption centre as we have a barn and small paddock area and it was felt the mares would be more comfortable in a smaller place. Aspen a 10 year old bay mare and Shila a 9 year old paint were delivered to the centre early in the evening. Both had moon blindness, a chronic condition of the eyes. Aspen the alpha of the two has some sight, while Shila seems to be completely blind and depends on the other mare. Both have settled nicely in their new home and are available for adoption to experienced horse owners as companion horses. Although blind horses can be trained and ridden, these two will take quite a bit of work. As with many rescue horses, they have limited if any training. Recently they were trimmed by farrier, James Heck, with limited success. The paint mare was fine, but the bay ended with only one foot done. Trimming was stopped till volunteers and staff can work with the mare to have her more comfortable picking up her feet. Both mares are in great shape weight wise and easy keepers.
Finally, after 2 years of life tied outside with a 2 foot piece of clothesline rope, Cooper will now have the life a dog should live. After a long rescue attempt from Sue Yorks founder of Mifflin Co.& Juniata Co. Pet Pantry, Deb Warner received a phone call early morning on December 17, 2012. Even though she was smack in the midst of the taking over of the SPCA shelter, she had to help this pup. His beautiful coat was matted and he was nothing but skin and bones. Smitty had no room to roam, no water, and some burnt cupcakes thrown near him however he was unable to reach them. He was very excited when Sue approached him to remove him from these deplorable conditions. The owner surrendered the pup to Sue, where he spent the evening with her and her family including 5 furry friends. By 9:30 pm that evening Deb had found a foster home for this lucky pup. He was the first animal transported to Pets Come First, The New SPCA! and then on to his new foster home.
Cooper has currently been fully vetted and will soon be neutered. Cooper’s frail body is no more in his new forever home. If only all dog rescues had very happy ending.
PCF president Deb Warner received a call about a horse kept in a stall for the past 3 months only being fed and watered every 3-4 days if then! Four phone pictures were sent of a emaciated horse in a stall. Cruelty calls are the hardest part for PCF since Centre County doesn’t have a cruelty officer. The PSPCA is closing all their branches except Danville and Philadelphia, and are scaling back on their cruelty officer positions. State Police are required by law to enforce Cruelty Law 5511, but many do not have the experience or equipment to handle animals. And if they do confiscate an animal, where do they take it? And who pays for board and veterinary bills? If there is a court case it can take up to 6 months for a trial date.
In the meantime that animal cannot be spayed or neutered and only life threatening illnesses can be treated. So when the call came in for this particular horse, Deb called humane officer Regina Martin of Hog Heaven Rescue for advice. After notifying the local state police and showing them the phone pictures, Deb went to the farm to see the horse for sale.
A 4 year old 16 hand Thoroughbred gelding weighing maybe 800 pounds was offered for sale for $800! The normal weight for a horse this size would be at least 1200 pounds. After asking what the best price the owner would take ($600!) Deb told her that she was with PCF and she had two choices–either surrender the horse to PCF or the state police would be called and she could face cruelty charges. The woman signed the surrender papers and the gelding was taken immediately to a local vet for an exam and documentation. It was thought the young horse was wormy, but a fecal check showed very few worms–he was just not fed!
Now named Justin, he resides at Deb’s rescue farm and is slowly putting weight on. It took a few weeks for him to realize that the food would keep coming and he could relax at supper time! He hangs out with Johnson, a 16.3 Quarter Horse gelding, who was used for hunt seat lessons until a soft tissue injury forced his early retirement.
A PCF volunteer received a call from a family who had grown tired of their 1 year old black lab mix, Diesel. They had gotten him as a cute puppy, but never had him neutered or vaccinated. He spent most of his life in a crate. And then they got another puppy and decided Diesel had to go! PCF kept him at a local kennel while he was neutered and vetted and a couple wanted to adopt him, but had to wait till they moved to a new home in one month. They came every day and sometimes twice a day to walk Diesel. Unfortunately he only went home with them for a few days before they realized he was too much for first time dog owners.
A foster home was quickly found and Diesel went to stay in Lock Haven where it was discovered he loved raw carrots and yams! He also like to climb through the dog fence to tour the town leading to 7 trips to the Clinton County SPCA! His foster mom lived in a huge mansion by the dike and when she would go to another part of the house, Diesel apparently went looking for her. A service dog group contacted PCF about available dogs and Diesel was just what they were looking for! He went off to Harrisburg for 6 months obedience training and is now back in the area for the service training part. With his desire to please and fantastic personality, he has found the perfect home! The service group told PCF that Diesel’s adoption was one of the easiest they had ever done and they enjoyed working with us! And we enjoyed saving another dog’s life!