While PCF’s Deb Warner was delivering a cat to the new Allegheny Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic in Clearfield to be spayed, a volunteer showed her a cat in a carrier. Her neighbor was threatening to shoot all loose cats so she had caught him that morning. Unfortunately, she had no place to take him but the local shelter which meant being a feral cat he would be euthanized. When the volunteer agreed to pay for his vaccinations and neutering and the clinic offered her a special price, it was decided that he would go home to Deb’s. With his cauliflower ear, wide tomcat head and lean fighter body, the tuxedo male looked like he had seen better days! He was promptly named Rocky Balboa! After being in a large crate for a couple of days, he was released in the horse barn. AND he’s a BIG pussycat. Loves to be held and has a huge purr motor. He even gets along with all the other cats–male and female!