Sugar was your typical beagle, tied outside most of her life until her owners grew tired of her. Never spayed, she was dumped at a local kennel. PCF made arrangements to have her spayed and vaccinated and discover she was just about the sweetest lovebug! Six years old, she went home to live with PCF volunteer Marie Ritchey and enjoys life on a couch now!
Max was a tiny Maltese mix found along a country road by local police. Taken to a local kennel, PCF was called. Max needed neutered, vaccinated and had to have 9 teeth removed! He was moved to a foster home to recover and was then adopted and now lives with his best friend, Munchkin, another rescued tiny Maltese mix.
A PCF volunteer received a call from a family who had grown tired of their 1 year old black lab mix, Diesel. They had gotten him as a cute puppy, but never had him neutered or vaccinated. He spent most of his life in a crate. And then they got another puppy and decided Diesel had to go! PCF kept him at a local kennel while he was neutered and vetted and a couple wanted to adopt him, but had to wait till they moved to a new home in one month. They came every day and sometimes twice a day to walk Diesel. Unfortunately he only went home with them for a few days before they realized he was too much for first time dog owners.
A foster home was quickly found and Diesel went to stay in Lock Haven where it was discovered he loved raw carrots and yams! He also like to climb through the dog fence to tour the town leading to 7 trips to the Clinton County SPCA! His foster mom lived in a huge mansion by the dike and when she would go to another part of the house, Diesel apparently went looking for her. A service dog group contacted PCF about available dogs and Diesel was just what they were looking for! He went off to Harrisburg for 6 months obedience training and is now back in the area for the service training part. With his desire to please and fantastic personality, he has found the perfect home! The service group told PCF that Diesel’s adoption was one of the easiest they had ever done and they enjoyed working with us! And we enjoyed saving another dog’s life!
Angel’s disabled owner had passed away after a lengthy illness. The husband had to leave their home and Angel was temporarily staying with a friend and needed a home ASAP! A foster home was found and they quickly fell in love with the beautiful soft gray and white long hair cat and adopted her.
Bailey’s owner called us wanting to place him for adoption because he was marking everywhere. Pets Come First made arrangements for his neutering and posted him on Petfinder’s, but the family ran into some bad luck. The father was diagnosed with cancer and then the young daughter’s cat was shot. The cat was rushed to the vet, but was full of lead and had to be humanely euthanized. Not wanting the child to go through any more trama, they decided to keep Bailey and PCF donated his medical fees.
Chicken Wing
Chicken Wing’s owners had moved to an apartment which wouldn’t allow pets. Desperate they had their two cats living in their car. A friend took one and PCF took in Chicken Wing. Happily after several months we received a call right before Christmas and the family had just moved to a house and could now take Chicken Wing back. She is now home again! Rarely do we receive a call wanting their cat back. Our Christmas Miracle!
Chicken Wing going home for Christmas. PCF took her in when her owners had moved to an apartment with no pets allowed. Chicken Wing was living in their car. 3 days before Christmas we got the call that the owners had bought a house and would like her back. A true “Christmas Miracle” as 99 percent of people want to find a home, not take their cat back!
PCF got a call from the girlfriend of a guy who lived in a rooming house at Penn State Altoona. One of the guys had purchased a black lab mix puppy for $40. She had been left out and came back not using her back leg. No one had the money for a vet so PCF was called. The 6 month old pup was rushed to the vet where x-rays revealed 2 breaks in her hind leg probably from a blunt trama. She has been recovering in a foster home. She was recently spayed and the pins in her leg were removed. Only weighing 30 pounds at 7 months, she looks exactly like a mini black lab. She has an adoption pending.
Coke was staying at Gerry Lyon’s Kennels. 9 years old, she had spent most of her life outside on a chain. PCF brought her to the shelter also in hopes of finding her a great home. She is staying in a foster home, keeping another senior canine citizen company and will probably be adopted by them.
Daisy started out life as an unwanted puppy tied outside by her owner. Left on a short leash, she lived in a ditch covered in mud. She even became pregnant and lost her pups due to being malnourished. Finally a good hearted neighbor stepped in and asked to take her. He contacted Pets Come First and arrangements were made for Daisy to be spayed and receive her vaccinations. Her savior offered to foster Daisy till a home was found, but problems started with her aggressiveness to his two older dogs. She then attacked a neighbor’s dog and PCF temporarily moved her to the Centre Hall Shelter. With the help of Central PA Labs Rescue, Daisy went to Sit Happens (an exceptional dog training facility in Linden, PA) to be evaluated and hopefully work on her aggressiveness. From there we hope to find her a suitable home and a happy ending to her story. Daisy is available for adoption.
Gage is an American Bulldog who was at a dairy farm in Lancaster. PCF volunteer, Jen Williams, travels the eastern part of the state as a dairy medical salesperson and was offered Gage as his owners were tired of boarding him when they went away. Unneutered, we were afraid he would end up at a puppy mill as a breeder dog so arrangements were made to transport him as soon as possible. Terri Kephart fostered Gage while we had him neutered and updated his vaccinations. A great dog, Gage loves everyone and at roughly 140 pounds needed a diet. He found a new home in Massachusettes whose new owner also had an 11 year old female Bulldog. Gage’s new owner works the night shift and wanted another big dog to accompany her 2:30 am exercise walks! Only problem is Gage is afraid when the coyotes howl! He now weighs a healthier 119 pounds.