November Happy Tails!!!
These are some “Happy Tails” that we have received over the last few months from owners who adopted their new family member from Pets Come First! The comments from the owner are listed in the comment for each photo! We love getting updates on PCF alums – it helps to brighten our days and reaffirm why we are here! Thank you to everyone that has adopted a pet, and please share your Happy Tail with us!

Today is the 1 year anniversary of Gwinnie’s rescue and coming to live with us! We are so happy that she has joined our family. She is definitely a momma’s girl, but she also adores her coonhound siblings, and loves (tolerates) her dad. Her favorite spot is our (her) king size bed, and she shares it with us at night laying on the pillows between our heads. She is still nervous around new people, but she is extremely happy at home in her normal routine. We now can successfully get her into the house with relative ease, but she does still enjoy running, playing, and rolling around outside in the yard. She has learned to go on leashed walks, and learned the excitement of treats before bedtime!
Please consider adopting a pet into your life. It can be a very rewarding experience to truly help an animal in need, and adopting often opens up room at a shelter for another animal to be rescued.

George – our Havanese mix canine companion. Joined our Family on July 17, 2008 from Pets Come First. It was heaven on earth having him in our family these past 7 years 4 months. Thank you Dana Warrender, for fostering the Little Guy who was our cherished George. Thank you for allowing us to become his forever home. After a heartbreaking diagnosis of salivary gland cancer, and losing 1/3 of his body weight, George made the journey over the Rainbow Bridge on November 15, 2015.

Cleo loves her new home! She has done a complete 180 is no longer scared and timid like she was. She’s wagging her tail here hoping someone drops something on the floor by the dinner table!

Here’s Wilbur, finding his spot on the couch! So far, he’s a happy, well adjusted little man! River (Wilbur) has dreams of treats and smiles! Sleepy old man River!

The kittens are doing great! They are now known as Whiskers and Jessie and they are so loved. Thank you!

Teddy Bear loves being groomed, dressing up and most importantly attention. He will always be an Angel in my eyes, everyday, and an Angel to everyone else for Halloween.
Happy Halloween from your friend Teddy Bear.

Katie (Sadie Rose) making herself quite at home! We brought our rescued pup home last Saturday… She’s getting along just fine with Greta! Playing!

Almost nine months since Miss Nellie B. (left, sister Luc on right) made her journey from Miami, Florida to her HOME here with us. Couldn’t have happened without PCF and Stephanie, who shared her picture with us before she even made it to PCF! She made herself right at home, immediately disemboweling the first of many stuffies, our cat, Ida Ho, immediately fell in love with her and Luc is thrilled to finally have someone to boss around. Nellie B. and Luc make a wonderful team and are rarely far from one another. This little girl put the sparkle back in Luc’s eyes … can’t thank you all enough!

We adopted a kitten from you last year and just would like to let you know that she is doing pretty well now — with Laku Meow.

Well, we took Deb’s advice on a new name and went with Blake (formally Kratos). Just wanted to let you know that Blake loves his new family and home just as much as we love him. Thanks Pets Come First!