Registration has now closed, but you can still join us on Saturday and register at the Dog Jog! Click the image below for full details about the event!
Sixth Annual Dog Jog on Saturday!
Support PCF in November!
Every Wednesday in November receive 15% off one item at Clothes Mentor, in the Hills Plaza in State College, when you bring in a bag of dry pet food or donate at least $1.00 for Pets Come First. Want to help even more? Bring in your clothes to sell to Clothes Mentor and donate the cash to PCF!
Wine Tasting Event Postponed
We have decided to postpone the Puppy Love Fall Foliage Wine Tasting Event that was scheduled for Saturday, September 28th. We thank everyone who purchased tickets, Seven Mountains Wine Cellars for all of their support, Bryan Grove for agreeing to provide his musical talents, volunteers and everyone else who supported the event. We will be in touch with everyone who purchased tickets to provide a refund. We will still be holding our annual Puppy Love Wine Tasting in February, and hope that you will join us then!
Stay tuned for Dog Jog news!
The Fifth Annual Dog Jog has been scheduled for Saturday, April 27, 2013. We are busy planning and details and registration will be available soon. Mark your calendars and stay tuned! [Read more…]
puppy love wine orders
Today February 28, 2013 is the last day to order wine from our successful wine event held on February 8, 2013 at Seven Mountains Winery.
Email and place your order today!
Pets Come First labels included. (Show your family & friends you support PCF!)
All Razed Up -Sweet concord wine, red raspberries $14.00
Semi-Dry Riesling-Riesling grape $18.00
Merlot-Black cherry and blackberry aromas. $20.00
Happy New Year!
As we welcome in 2013, let us make a resolution to pay it forward to each other in our community. Doing a good deed one day at a time makes a positive impact on everyone. As animal lovers, let us continue to make the difference in the lives of the animals that need a voice.
We made a difference in the lives of many animals in 2012 and we will continue to do so in 2013. We need your support as a community to continue to work together educating our families, friends and neighbors on the importance of spaying and neutering all pets. One good deed a day goes a long way!
Adopted – 495 animals to loving homes.
Spayed/Neutered – 149 animals. (This does not include cat clinics)
TNR Clinics – Held 13 clinics and spayed/neutered 379 animals.
Happy Holidays
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at PCF. Have you made your list and checked it twice? PCF continues to find many stray and unwanted animals loving homes with your continued support. Be sure to check out our Christmas wish list, stocking stuffer ideas and holiday cards on our Fundraiser page to help us help the animals in our care.
PCF wants to make sure you do not give pets as holiday gifts. Please support PCF in educating your family and friends that giving animals as gift is not recommended. It is hard to resist a puppy or kitten with a bow on its collar, but we want to make sure whoever is receiving the animal actually wants it. Choosing a pet is a personal decision and should be done by the person who will be responsible for that pet. Help us decrease the number of unwanted pets by spreading the word this holiday season.
National Adopt a Senior Pet Month
Adopting a senior animal is an instant friend for life. Did you know that every year, millions of adoptable animals are killed? With an adult pet, what you see is what you get. Their personality is already developed, and you’ll be able to spot the characteristics you’re looking for. Shelters and rescue groups are able to assess the personality of each pet for adoption, and carefully help match you to the pet that best matches your lifestyle.
Check out our featured senior pets on the home page and help them find the home of their dreams!
When you open your heart and your home to an older animal who needs help, they really do show their appreciation for the rest of their life! Pets who have been uprooted from their homes, or have had difficult beginnings are likely to bond completely and deeply with their new human caretakers who they view as heroes. Pets who find themselves in the shelter or at a rescue group because of a death or other tragedy in their former human family usually go through a mourning period. Once they are adopted, however, they usually want nothing more than to please their new hero—YOU! No matter what circumstances brought them to the shelter or rescue group, older pets for adoption are exceptionally affectionate and attentive pets and extremely loyal companions. But first you have to adopt one!
Help PCF find homes for the animals in our care.
Adopted – 422 animals to loving homes.
Spayed/Neutered – 144 animals (This does not include cat clinics).
TNR Clinics – Held 8 Clinics and spayed/neutered 231 cats.
National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, visit the dogs available at PCF or call about our dogs in foster care. Some of our best furry companions can be found at shelters and rescues. There are a lot of misconceptions about the shelter animals that just are not true. They DO NOT all have behavioral problems or come from abusive situation. The top reasons people give their pets up for adoption have little or nothing to do with the animal itself.
Help PCF find home for the animals in our care.
Adopted – 359 animals to loving homes.
Spayed/Neutered – 129 animals (This does not include cat clinics).
TNR Clinics – Held 8 Clinics and spayed/neutered 231 cats.
Where are we NOW!
Since opening our doors from January-September 30, 2012, we have
Adopted – 359 animals to loving homes.
Spayed/Neutered – 129 animals (This does not include cat clinics).
TNR Clinics – Held 8 Clinics and spayed/neutered 231 cats.
Other Accomplishment Include:
• Launched the new Pets Come First Website.
• Recreated a new look and feel for the Pets Come First Facebook Page
• Created a Board/Fundraising/Grant Writing Team
• Created Volunteer Coordinator position to recruit/train/schedule volunteers for the adoption center, special events, and fundraising.
• Set up new Adoption/Surrender/Foster Care policy and procedures
• Revamped and created new operating policies and procedures
• Researched/Implemented new Adoption Center Software
• Implemented a new Accounting System
• Re-evaluated and renegotiated contracts on all billing setup by PSPCA to save on monthly operating costs
• Set up new postage system
• Cleaned/Scrubbed/Disinfected and repainted office, kennels and the two cat rooms
• Removed dropped ceiling in cat room and added 2 ceiling fans
• Reorganized the cat room to create a welcoming and fun environment
• Created an additional back office work for greater efficiency
• Designed/installed/raised funds/fixed lighting for a new PCF sign – donated by Metzger Animal Hospital
• Removed damaged wooden fencing and debris from runs
• Replaced lighting and repainted outdoor post and railings
• Working on redesigning the landscape
• Added decor features to create insulation to help with heating and cooling the facility
• Implemented a Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program for cats and dogs, working with local Veterinarians
• Implemented a monthly TNR clinic
• Coordinated with local businesses delivery and drop off of weekly donations
• Started compost for grass clippings and horse manure
• Implemented a Recycling Program eliminating 2 dumpsters
• Applied/Granted funds to repair drainage problem at the horse barn
• Installed a concrete pad, stall flooring and new mats.
• Phase 2 will include installing storage and shelving units in the barn
• Applied/Granted fund for spaying & neutering cats
• Held the Fourth Annual Dog Jog Fundraiser
• Held many other successful fundraising events
• Totaling approximately $60,000 in 7 months.
• Jabco-Maggi Motors donated a van to transport animals to and from medical appointments.
• Gavek Graphics donated decals for the van
• Repaired/Maintained all outside equipment-lawn mowers, riding garden tractor, weed eater and snow blower
• Create a storage area for all fundraising supplies and facility supplies.
• Set up a separate area for medical and grooming